Welcome to the world of the untested shareware software!
It's Sammy the Radiactive Electric Adolescent Eel. I just spent the last 12 hours working hard to bring you people this wonderful shareware game, and if you think it is worth something (like say maybe $5 or somethin') then go on and send some of that money in. I'm planning on fixing this game up into a more polished piece of software next time I get a free weekend. Anyone who does contribute a reasonable amount (say $10) to the cause will be first on their block to receive Sammy the Eel version 1.0!
In Version 0.1a, we find Sammy the Eel barely alive and almost complete burned to a crisp. Once Sammy was over 14 feet in length, but due to the radiactive substance he slithered through...he was shrunk to a mere inch! But don't fear, with your help and lots of Apples courtesy of Apple Computer, he will regain his strength, speed, and size.
Please, take my software. But if you like it, you know what to do. Because if you don't, terrible things will happen to you. This is Chain-Shareware.
This program was developed in a few hours and has been tested by a total of 1 person (me). So no promises. I do know for a fact though that it runs great on a MacIIci with an 8-bit 13" color monitor. AND it also runs great on a MacII with an 8-bit 12" color monitor.
When trying this software on your machine, I would recommend the following:
* bump up the allocated memory in the "Get Info" box if you have a monitor larger
than 13".
* Set your machine to 256 colors (it also works under black&white and 16, but
it just doesn't look as good).
* Turn up the volume all the way.
* Use System 7.01• or at least System 7. I use some commands which I found
If you have any comments, suggestions, or major bug reports I would prefer receiving e-mail on CompuServe. See the About boxes and Instructions in the game for addresses.
This Readme document must accompany any further distribution of this software. I am not responsible for any damages to your hardware, software, social life, or appearance.
So live on the edge and Enjoy!
Francis Wong
======================= Notes ===============
Version 0.1a:
Initial Release
Version 0.2a:
Modified various level parameters per user's requests. Impossible is impossible...
Changed Window dimensions to fit within a PowerBook's Screen
Added one additional cool sound effect. "What are you doing man?"